Todd Michael Roberts

Lead Facilitator, Director of Men’s Retreats, and Artist


Todd was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of Canada. He is a world traveller, university graduate, multi disciplinary visual artist, and outdoor athlete. His interest in shamanism and all things mysterious began at an early age, and is what eventually brought him in contact with ayahuasca in the beginning of 2004 when he attended his first Shipibo based ceremony on Vancouver Island. Soon after that life changing event, he attended his first Vipassana meditation course which then became another cornerstone of profound transformation in conjunction with powerful ancient healing modalities.

After a personal life shift at the end of 2012, Todd visited Temple of the Way of Light outside of Iquitos, Peru as a guest. This was followed by a five year period of deep learning as an ayahuasca retreat facilitator at the Temple to support retreat guests and the team of Shipibo curanderos with his fellow colleagues, mentors, and the sacred plant teachers of the Amazon basin. It was there that Todd began to develop and polish his own skills and vocation as a plant medicine retreat facilitator. Later in mid 2019, Todd joined the facilitation team at Soltara Healing Center in Costa Rica. Less than two years later Todd was promoted to Director of Retreats for Soltara until spring of 2023 when he relocated to Peru.

Todd continues to dedicate himself to the ever evolving path of plant medicines with nearly two decades of experience within the realms of pre and post ceremony support, integration guidance, conscious communication, and insight practices. When he is not facilitating retreats, Todd spends his time in his art studio with his creative outlets of painting, designing digital art, and tattooing. His other passion in life is surfing.

Todd is available for ongoing integration sessions, collaboration with retreat leaders and professionals for private men’s retreats, and also offers long distance pranic healing sessions.

“None of this we do alone.”

-Todd Michael Roberts