Gemma White


Gemma was born in the United States, grew up in Germany, studied Design in Denmark, and lived and worked in the Netherlands before she moved to the Sacred Valley in October 2019. She started her healing path when she found herself looking for deeper understanding and meaning beyond the high stress competitive landscape of her former life.

Her journey with plant medicine started in 2014 when she traveled to the Amazonian jungle for the first time to work with ayahuasca. Over the past 7 years she has worked with Amazonian and Andean plant medicine and continues to deepen her path through plant diets, yoga, meditation and breathwork. Her Shipibo name Soi Veka was given to her by Maestra Ofrelinda, which means Beautiful Woman.

Gemma is a certified yoga teacher and long term yoga practitioner as well as an experienced Marma therapist. Marma Therapy is an ancient acupressure technique based on the yogic healing system Ayurveda that rejuvenates, relieves stress, and removes blocked energy from the body.

“I have experienced how yoga and plant medicine compliment one another as powerful catalysts for healing, growth, and transformation. They are both important cornerstones in my journey of healing and profound learning.”

-Gemma White